Unique challenges in natural language processing by Catherine Rasgaitis Geek Culture

What are some of the challenges we face in NLP today? by Muhammad Ishaq DataDrivenInvestor

challenge of nlp

As far as categorization is concerned, ambiguities can be segregated as Syntactic (meaning-based), Lexical (word-based), and Semantic (context-based). The tools needed will vary based upon the task at hand and the business goals. Thus far, we have seen three problems linked to the bag of words approach and introduced three techniques for improving the quality of features.

challenge of nlp

Neural models are good for complex and dynamic tasks, but they require a lot of computational power and may not be interpretable or explainable. Hybrid models combine different approaches to leverage their advantages and mitigate their disadvantages. Language data is by nature symbol data, which is different from vector data (real-valued vectors) that deep learning normally utilizes.

Use the right tools

The more features you have, the more storage and to process them, but it also creates another challenge. The more features you have, the more possible combinations between features you will have, and the more data you’ll need to train a model that has an efficient learning process. That is why we often look to apply techniques that will reduce the dimensionality of the training data.

challenge of nlp

SAS has a full suite of text analytics solutions that encompasses all of these tasks, and which easily feeds results into further predictive modeling and interactive visual analytics. It’s important to consider the goals of the system the linguistic rules will address so that the rules can be tailored to the specific business goals. Language variation makes modeling patterns difficult unless one can zero in on the patterns that matter for the given task. Finding an expert who can work in a technical system, but who is not afraid to read and analyze text for both meaning and structure, may seem daunting. I recommend linguists with NLP, corpus analysis or computational linguistics exposure, as well as data scientists with a text analysis focus.

II. Linguistic Challenges

Noah Chomsky, one of the first linguists of twelfth century that started syntactic theories, marked a unique position in the field of theoretical linguistics because he revolutionized the area of syntax (Chomsky, 1965) [23]. Further, Natural Language Generation (NLG) is the process of producing phrases, sentences and paragraphs that are meaningful from an internal representation. The first objective of this paper is to give insights of the various important terminologies of NLP and NLG. Although there is a wide range of opportunities for NLP models, like Chat GPT and Google Bard, there are also several challenges (or ethical concerns) that should be addressed. The accuracy of the system depends heavily on the quality, diversity, and complexity of the training data, as well as the quality of the input data provided by students.

challenge of nlp

Once detected, these mentions can be analyzed for sentiment, engagement, and other metrics. This information can then inform marketing strategies or evaluate their effectiveness. An NLP system can be trained to summarize the text more readably than the original text. This is useful for articles and other lengthy texts where users may not want to spend time reading the entire article or document.


The lexicon was created using MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary and general English Dictionaries. The Centre d’Informatique Hospitaliere of the Hopital Cantonal de Geneve is working on an electronic archiving environment with NLP features [81, 119]. At later stage the LSP-MLP has been adapted for French [10, 72, 94, 113], and finally, a proper NLP system called RECIT [9, 11, 17, 106] has been developed using a method called Proximity Processing [88]. It’s task was to implement a robust and multilingual system able to analyze/comprehend medical sentences, and to preserve a knowledge of free text into a language independent knowledge representation [107, 108]. Overload of information is the real thing in this digital age, and already our reach and access to knowledge and information exceeds our capacity to understand it.

  • Finding an expert who can work in a technical system, but who is not afraid to read and analyze text for both meaning and structure, may seem daunting.
  • While challenging, this is also a great opportunity for emotion analysis, since traditional approaches rely on written language, it has always been difficult to assess the emotion behind the words.
  • Similarly, if participating on their own, they may be eligible to win a non-cash recognition prize.
  • Among all the NLP problems, progress in machine translation is particularly remarkable.
  • No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
  • Noah Chomsky, one of the first linguists of twelfth century that started syntactic theories, marked a unique position in the field of theoretical linguistics because he revolutionized the area of syntax (Chomsky, 1965) [23].

If your models were good enough to capture nuance while translating, they were also good enough to perform the original task. But more likely, they aren’t capable of capturing nuance, and your translation will not reflect the sentiment of the original document. Factual tasks, like question answering, are more amenable to translation approaches. Topics requiring more nuance (predictive modelling, sentiment, emotion detection, summarization) are more likely to fail in foreign languages.

Capability to automatically create a summary of large & complex textual content

And it’s downright amazing at how accurate translation systems have become. However, many languages, especially those spoken by people with less access to technology often go overlooked and under processed. For example, by some estimations, (depending on language vs. dialect) there are over 3,000 languages in Africa, alone.

AI’s importance for security companies and consumers – Fast Company

AI’s importance for security companies and consumers.

Posted: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 12:00:00 GMT [source]

By this time, work on the use of computers for literary and linguistic studies had also started. As early as 1960, signature work influenced by AI began, with the BASEBALL Q-A systems (Green et al., 1961) [51]. LUNAR (Woods,1978) [152] and Winograd SHRDLU were natural successors of these systems, but they were seen as stepped-up sophistication, in terms of their linguistic and their task processing capabilities. There was a widespread belief that progress could only be made on the two sides, one is ARPA Speech Understanding Research (SUR) project (Lea, 1980) and other in some major system developments projects building database front ends. The front-end projects (Hendrix et al., 1978) [55] were intended to go beyond LUNAR in interfacing the large databases.

2 Challenges

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